Source code for lwa_antpos.mapping

from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy as np

from . import lwa_df

isodd = lambda a: bool(a % 2)

[docs]def filter_df(columnname, value): """ Gets full DataFrame and filters by columnname == value. Returns new DataFrame """ return lwa_df.loc[lambda lwa_df: lwa_df[columnname] == value]
[docs]def get_unique(df, columnname): """ Return unique values for columnname in DataFrame """ return np.unique(df[columnname].values)
[docs]def antpol_to_arx(antname, polname): """ Given antname and polname, return arx (address, channel) tuple """ return tuple(lwa_df.loc[antname][['arx_address', f'pol{polname.lower()}_arx_channel']].to_list())
[docs]def antpol_to_digitizer(antname, polname): """ Given antname and polname, return (snap2loc, digitizer) tuple. Digitizer is remapped to 0-63 (fmc=0 => 0-31, fmc=1 => 32-63). """ start = 32*lwa_df.loc[antname]['fmc'] snap2loc, dig0 = lwa_df.loc[antname][['snap2_location', f'pol{polname.lower()}_digitizer_channel']].to_list() return int(snap2loc), int(start + dig0)
[docs]def antpol_to_fpga(antname, polname): """ Given antname and polname, return (snap2loc, fpga input) tuple. """ snap2loc, fpgainp = lwa_df.loc[antname][['snap2_location', f'pol{polname.lower()}_fpga_num']].to_list() return int(snap2loc), int(fpgainp)
[docs]def ant_to_snap2loc(antname): """ Given antname, return snap2 (chassis, location) as tuple """ return (lwa_df.loc[antname]['snap2_chassis'], lwa_df.loc[antname]['snap2_location'])
[docs]def snap2_to_antpol(snap2loc, inp): """ Given snap2loc and input number, return ant name. """ if isinstance(snap2loc, str): snap2loc = int(snap2loc.lstrip('snap')) pol = 'b' if isodd(inp) else 'a' # input alternates pols # start = 32*lwa_df['fmc'] # remapped = start + lwa_df[f'pol{pol}_digitizer_channel'] # remapped = lwa_df[f'pol{pol}_digitizer_channel'] sel = np.where((inp == lwa_df[f'pol{pol}_fpga_num']) & (lwa_df['snap2_location'] == snap2loc))[0] if len(sel) != 1: print(f'Did not find exactly one antpol for input {inp}') return lwa_df.iloc[sel].index.to_list() else: return lwa_df.iloc[sel].index.to_list()[0] + pol.upper()
[docs]def antname_to_correlator(antname): """ Given antname, return correlator number """ return int(lwa_df.loc[antname]['corr_num'])
[docs]def correlator_to_antpol(corr_num): """ Given correlator number, return antname. """ antlist = filter_df('corr_num', corr_num).index.to_list() if len(antlist) == 1: return int(antlist[0]) else: print(f'Did not find exactly one ant') return list(antlist)